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Writer's picturesarahgrady11

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Updated: Oct 17, 2023

What a beautiful country that has so much to offer: One of my favorite places to go in Croatia was Dubrovnik. A very popular tourist destination and once you've been there, you'll understand why.

stone arches, Dubrivnik, Croatia, Europe travel
Exploring the town

There are many things to see and do in Dubrovnik, including lots of cats !

cat sleeping, Dubrivnik, Croatia, Europe travel
I love cats.

cat sleeping, Dubrivnik, Croatia, Europe travel
One of the many cats in town

cat, Dubrivnik, Croatia, Europe travel
Another cat

If you're a Game of Thrones fan, you have to see Fort Lovrijenac, known as the Red Keep on the show.

Click here for the ultimate Game of Thrones tour in Dubrovnik.

woman smiling, Dubrivnik, Croatia, Europe travel
Me pointing to Fort Lovrijenac from the city walls

Fort Lovrijenac, Dubrivnik, Croatia, Europe travel
Fort Lovrijenac

Next up, you'll want to visit the old city walls. I did this on a cloudy day and I was so thankful because it was SO hot. If there are no cloudy days while you're there, wear a hat and lots of sunscreen ! And bring a water bottle or two. Or three. Having more water than needed is never a bad thing.

city, Dubrivnik, Croatia, Europe travel
View from the city walls

Click here for a walking tour. Once you're tired from all the walking, find one of the hidden bars ! You walk through the city walls and emerge on the outside of the walls on the sea. I wore my bathing suit and jumped in the water before sitting and having a drink. There are ladders into the water, so you can easily climb in and out.

bar, Dubrivnik, Croatia, Europe travel
The bar through the town walls

There are also many great day-trips from Dubrovnik. If you want to stay close, head on over to the island of Lokrum. No people live on this island, but lots of rabbits and peacocks live here ! You can visit for the day. There are restaurants on the island where you can eat, drink, and be merry. Make sure you wear your bathing suit and bring sunscreen, the water is very tempting.

peacock, Lokrum, island, Dubrivnik, Croatia, Europe travel
The only inhabitants of the island of Lokrum : peacocks and rabbits.

rabbit, Lokrum, island, Dubrivnik, Croatia, Europe travel
Lots of rabbits on this island

water, Lokrum, island, Dubrivnik, Croatia, Europe travel
There are beautiful places to go for a swim on the island of Lokrum

I stayed at an AirBnB while in Dubrovnik. My host offered to take me and three of her other guests to Trebinje, Bosnia Herzegovina for the day. We visited a vineyard, ate at a beautiful restaurant on the river, and did some shopping around town. If you have the time, I suggest going here.

river, bridge, mountains, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina

wine barrel, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Our visit of the wine cellar in Bosnia Herzegovina

river, bridge, mountains, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Where we ate lunch

river, bridge, mountains, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina
My mom told me not to go to Bosnia and Herzegovina, I think a fear of the unknown. But do like I did and don't listen to your moms, just go !

Another great option for staying close to Dubrovnik is to go island hopping. It's Croatia, there are lots of islands to explore ! I did a day trip that was a three-island tour. This included Lapud, Sipan, and Kolocep. A great seafood lunch was included on the tour, on the island of Sipan. Our guide even played some accordion for us !

Dubrovnik, Croatia, island, boat, travel Europe
Our boat for the tour

Dubrovnik, Croatia, island, boat, travel Europe
One of the islands we went to

ham, cheese, wine, bread
We had a huge lunch.

It included soup

mussels, Dubrovnik, Croatia, island, boat, travel Europe
And mussels

fish, Dubrovnik, Croatia, island, boat, travel Europe
And fresh fish

Dessert, Dubrovnik, Croatia, island, boat, travel Europe
And homemade dessert

I have great memories of Dubrovnik. Time to go out and travel to Dubrovnik !! *This post has affiliate links where I make a little money at no extra cost to you.

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